September 19th – Arrr!

September 19, 2017 at 12:01 am | Posted in Today's Reasons To Celebrate | Leave a comment

Ahoy, scallywags. Today be Tuesday, September 19, 2017. Yer reasons ta celebrate t’day be:

International Talk Like A Pirate Day

Back in ’95 a pair o’ landlubbers, named John Baur ‘n Mark Summers, were playin’ racquetball. Fer some reason they began natterin’ t’ each other like pirates. Aft they were finished, they came up wit’ th’ idea t’ make natterin’ like pirates an annual event. Fer no particular reason, they decided on September, 19th as th’ date fer thar annual celebration, ‘n Talk Like A Pirate Day was born.
Th’ international part came about when they wrote t’ syndicated columnist Dave Barry ‘n he featured it in his column (on September 8, 2002). Soon they were hearin’ from a bunch o’ scallywags from all o’er th’ world.
T’ help ye celebrate International Natter Like A Pirate Day, I provide this link. Jus’ type in wha’ ye wants t’ be translated ‘n ’twill do all th’ work fer ye. Now, belay yer dillydallyin’ n’ start natterin’ like a pirate ye bunch o’ landlubbin’ louts.

National IT (information technology) Professionals Day

National IT Professionals Day is observed annually every third Tuesday in September and is set aside to honor the venerable geeks of the world we all rely on every day to keep us connected to the worldwide web. IT professionals are the unsung hero of modern business but are often under-appreciated. National IT Professionals Day was submitted by SolarWinds, a provider of powerful and affordable IT management software, in March 2015 and proclaimed a National day by the registrar of National Day Calendar.
Whether it be desktops, laptops, mobile devices, applications, servers, networks, databases or cybersecurity, IT professionals keep business humming. However, there is often a lack of understanding by business leaders and end users of the important role they play and the difficulties and complexities associated with modern IT.
If you’re an end-user, you can celebrate National IT (information technology) Professionals Day by simply saying thank you to the IT professionals that make your life easier. Additionally, you can recognize that your IT professionals provide an invaluable service in today’s always-on, always-connected world.

Get Ready Day

Get Ready Day is celebrated annually on the third Tuesday of September. It urges you to be prepared for any emergency. With the recent hurricanes in Texas and Florida and the wildfires in the Western United States, Get Ready Day couldn’t be more relevant.
Being prepared to deal with an emergency is important for everyone and that is what Get Ready Day is all about. It encourages individuals, families, and communities to consider what is required in the event of natural disasters, pandemic illnesses, infectious diseases, and other crisis events.
Get Ready Day was first established in the mid-2000’s by the Public Health Association and the Get Ready website has a wealth of information to help those that are interested.

Take a Loved One to the Doctor Day

Take A Loved One to the Doctor is observed annually the third Tuesday of September and is a targeted campaign to raise health awareness in the Black community. This initiative was launched in 2002 by the Tom Joyner Morning Show and the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Administration. Since then, Tom continues to encourage his listeners to be proactive about their health by making appointments for themselves and a loved one to visit health professionals.
With a daily listening audience of over 8-million people, Mr. Joyner’s “Take a Loved One to the Doctor Day” grew from one day into a year-long health awareness campaign. It now occurs from January-December on the “Get Well Wednesdays” segment on Tom Joyner Morning Show featuring health topics and expert advice on-air to further generate awareness and action.

National Butterscotch Pudding Day

Butterscotch is a type of confectionery whose primary ingredients are brown sugar and butter, although other ingredients such as corn syrup, cream, vanilla, and salt are supplementary ingredients in most recipes. According to a 1848 newspaper article, the original recipe for making Doncaster butterscotch is one pound of butter, one pound of sugar and a quarter of a pound of treacle, a mild mixture of molasses and corn syrup, boiled together.”
Butterscotch is similar to toffee except that it is heated to a higher temperature (270 to 289 °F, the soft-crack stage). The term butterscotch is also often used for the ‘flavor’ of brown sugar and butter together, even where actual confection butterscotch is not involved; for example butterscotch pudding, butterscotch ice cream topping, and butterscotch chips.
To celebrate this holiday, simply enjoy some butterscotch pudding; either homemade or from a package mix.

On This Date

  • In 1777 – The Battle of Saratoga was won by American soldiers during the Revolutionary War.
  • In 1796 – President George Washington’s farewell address was published.
  • In 1876 – Melville R. Bissell patented the carpet sweeper.
  • In 1881 – James Garfield, 20th President of the United States, was assassinated.
  • In 1893 – In New Zealand, the Electoral Act 1893 became law, giving all women in New Zealand the right to vote.
  • In 1944 – The Moscow Armistice ended the Continuation War. The peace treaty was signed between the Soviet Union, United Kingdom, and Finland. It put an end to the conflict between the USSR and Finland between 1941 and 1944. The war was overshadowed by the more significant conflict, WWII.
  • In 1955 – Argentina President Juan Peron was ousted after a revolt by the army and navy.
  • In 1957 – The United States conducted its first underground nuclear test. The test took place in the Nevada desert.
  • In 1959 – Nikita Khrushchev was not allowed to visit Disneyland due to security reasons. He reacted angrily.
  • In 1960 – Cuban leader Fidel Castro, in New York to visit the United Nations, checked out of the Shelburne Hotel angrily after a dispute with the management.
  • In 1970 – “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” premiered on CBS-TV.
  • In 1973 – Carl XVI succeeded his grandfather King Gustaf VI Adolf as the King of Sweden. Sweden is a constitutional monarchy, where the monarch is the ceremonial head of state. In 1980, Swedish law was changed to allow the firstborn of a monarch to become the crown’s heir apparent, irrespective of their gender.
  • In 1982 – Scott Fahlman became the first person to use “:-)” in an online message.
  • In 1983 – Saint Kitts and Nevis gained their Independence from the British Crown. The first Europeans set foot on the Island country in the West Indies in the late 15th century during an expedition led by Columbus. In 1713, the control over the islands was passed from the French to the British.
  • In 1984 – China and Britain completed a draft agreement transferring Hong Kong from British to Chinese rule by 1997.
  • In 1986 – United States health officials announced that AZT, though an experimental drug, would be made available to AIDS patients.
  • In 1988 – Israel successfully launched the Horizon-I test satellite.
  • In 1994 – United States troops entered Haiti peacefully to enforce the return of exiled President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
  • In 1995 – Agronomist and entrepreneur Orville Redenbacher died.
  • In 1995 – The Senate passed a welfare overhaul bill.
  • In 1995 – The commander of American forces in Japan and the United States ambassador apologized for the rape of a schoolgirl committed by three U.S. servicemen.
  • In 2006 – A Military coup overthrew the elected government in Thailand. Forces loyal to General Sonthi Boonyaratglin overthrew the elected government of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and dissolved the parliament and the constitution.
  • In 2010 – The Oil rig Deepwater Horizon was declared sealed after a 3-month long spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Thought to be the biggest accident in the oil and gas industry, the Deepwater Horizon spill or the BP oil spill began on April 20, 1010, when an explosion destroyed the rig and killed 11 people.

Noteworthy Birthdays

If you were born on this date, Happy Birthday. You share your birthday with the following list of illustrious individuals – and about 20-million other people.

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